Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Want to be somebody? Or just want to be?

To be or not to be, that IS THE QUESTION.
To form an identity

or OR OR
Free yourself from labels, tags or limits.
Become a verb. An action, preferably a virtue

And support others to become a virtue.

There is a school of New Age programs, some maybe cults, that have the tools to disassemble your EGO, and replace those 3 EGO beliefs:
  1. I have to be right
  2. I can't make a mistake
  3. I already know that

Replace with personal beliefs in virtue.

Ego less Human Beings WILL create affirmations of the highest thought.

Affirmation, created in supportive groups, not all are cults, promote world peace, enlightenment, prosperity, wisdom, interconnection with all beings, satori, unconditional love, oneness, freedom and much more.

Yes, I have experienced being without an identity, and creating goals, aims, and beliefs of all the above virtues or states.

BUT, I like me!

The cleaned up, ego free, version of me that goes for the highest thought.

That knows gary makes a difference.

The garythat builds a karmic bank account of compassion, patience, love, enthusiasm and integrity.

An identity that shows up and shares the experiences, exercises, and excitement to be, alive, alert and comfortable paying attention, it is my best investment in the future.

To be or not to be, a question I ask each moment I remember to remember to remember.




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