I believe each one of us has a calling.
A purpose divined before birth.
We are diamonds in the rough.
Each person has uniqueness that asks to be lived, present before birth.
We bear the seed of the mighty Oak before we were even conceived.
How can that be?
The soul of each is given a daimon, a guiding angel, before birth.
The soul has selected an image or pattern to live on earth, guides the process of arrival. However, we forget all that took place once the soul arrives on earth.
We believe we come empty into the world.
The daimon remembers and carries our destiny. Choosing the body, the parents, the place, and circumstances that suit the soul.
This we have forgotten.
Our calling is shadowed by fate and fortune.
It does not teach morals and is not to be confused with the “still small voice” of your conscience. It is invisible, yet present, like sunshine and farts.
Myths And fairy tales say,
“Once upon a time, what took such good care of me was a guardian spirit.
I damm well knew how to pay it appropriate attention!
Gary C. Smith Public Speaking & Trainings offers lessons in handling our biggest fears:
Public Speaking, & our fear of No-thing.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
The crystallization of attitudes or oops another identity.
The crystallization of attitudes, or how identities take over.
It’s fun to try on new attitudes, different viewpoints.
As a professional judgment machines I swing through the gamut of beliefs and find it’s worth taking a look and to step into the shoes of different folks. It’s like Halloween, trying on diverse costumes, but many costumes are so enticing that if I give them enough attention they solidify and I identify with the costume. The cowboy, the princess, The Village People, Superman, Wonder Woman, the hobo, all new experiences, but I am challenged by horses, my princess is picky about peas under mattress, the Village People are cool to dance to YMCA in aerobics class, and tying on a cape or a rubber bustier is acceptable in San Francisco, as are the homeless. I was stuck for a while as the Construction Worker, and my pink complexion is reddening so I could be the Indian, but never a Cop. Those are costumes. When we look in the mirror we can recognize that that this is not I. But what if it happens with attitudes? What if our judgments become our identities? “Danger danger Will Robinson. *
Aging is not just a battle of the bulge, hairlines, and wrinkles but the hardening of the attitudes. The skepticism I feel and see with us baby boomers is in believing as Ram Dass said 40 years ago, “I am my Chevy Corvair.” I am my attitude, attached to the truly deadly sins.** My current list of sins:
Having to be right,
Already knowing that E
I can’t make a mistake G
Political Correctness O
Religious Rightness –one wayisms
Whatever or like whatever....
So how to melt the crystallization and return to aging as being Elders in training?
I go to seminars, write Avatar Fry Days, wear my Grandpa hat, know that paying attention is my beat investment in the future, and keep in touch with great buddies.
Asking, curiosity, interest, following attraction all offer freerer forms of attention. If you're attention becomes fixed, can an attitude be far away?
Namaste, Gary
My mythology comes somewhat from my Nana’s Fairy Tales, but largely television and rock N roll. I apologize to my writing instructor for the indulgence in adverbs. Sins are enough without being deadly, but holding death is a great re-member-er to hold the preciousness of life.
It’s fun to try on new attitudes, different viewpoints.
As a professional judgment machines I swing through the gamut of beliefs and find it’s worth taking a look and to step into the shoes of different folks. It’s like Halloween, trying on diverse costumes, but many costumes are so enticing that if I give them enough attention they solidify and I identify with the costume. The cowboy, the princess, The Village People, Superman, Wonder Woman, the hobo, all new experiences, but I am challenged by horses, my princess is picky about peas under mattress, the Village People are cool to dance to YMCA in aerobics class, and tying on a cape or a rubber bustier is acceptable in San Francisco, as are the homeless. I was stuck for a while as the Construction Worker, and my pink complexion is reddening so I could be the Indian, but never a Cop. Those are costumes. When we look in the mirror we can recognize that that this is not I. But what if it happens with attitudes? What if our judgments become our identities? “Danger danger Will Robinson. *
Aging is not just a battle of the bulge, hairlines, and wrinkles but the hardening of the attitudes. The skepticism I feel and see with us baby boomers is in believing as Ram Dass said 40 years ago, “I am my Chevy Corvair.” I am my attitude, attached to the truly deadly sins.** My current list of sins:
Having to be right,
Already knowing that E
I can’t make a mistake G
Political Correctness O
Religious Rightness –one wayisms
Whatever or like whatever....
So how to melt the crystallization and return to aging as being Elders in training?
I go to seminars, write Avatar Fry Days, wear my Grandpa hat, know that paying attention is my beat investment in the future, and keep in touch with great buddies.
Asking, curiosity, interest, following attraction all offer freerer forms of attention. If you're attention becomes fixed, can an attitude be far away?
Namaste, Gary
My mythology comes somewhat from my Nana’s Fairy Tales, but largely television and rock N roll. I apologize to my writing instructor for the indulgence in adverbs. Sins are enough without being deadly, but holding death is a great re-member-er to hold the preciousness of life.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sanctifying Connections
Paying Attention is My Best Investment in the Future July 24, 2008
“…to share his part of the secret of heaven: that each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories , but the stories are all one.” From Five People You Meet in Heaven By Mitch Albom. It was number two on the bestseller list says a lot about how connected with each other we wish to be.
Time to pick up the talking stick and tell the next part of the tale. It’s the ritual retelling that sanctifies the memory itself. Ah, the moment of choice, so many stories. So many ways to look at the same event.
Of times The Answers to:
Who Are You? I am who ever I want to be.
What’s happening? –What I choose to create.
What am I doing here? –Sanctifying this moment.
Now sanctifying, to set apart for sacred use, to purify, consecrate, to make holy, implies that a moment may not be holy, that an effort is needed. Or does it imply that biased or fixed attention is doing the sanctification? Who am I choosing to be, is what creates the sanctity.
One day, long ago in a far away galaxy (creation) a moment, a process, connections became so real, our being was touched so deeply, that I believe I can make this moment holy, by remembering, reminding, recalling, other’s with whom I’ve created connection.
We pay most of the mortgage from the beauty world. We are somewhere inside or outside a sphere orbiting from vanity to healing, where the outside reflects the inside, where beauty is only skin deep, & where beauty is from the inside out. These are baby steps into the world of change.
We are falsification, image creation, a fight against aging, enhancements and distractions, human art, and we believe we are more than labels; we are a way of being.
We offer stimulation, possibility, kindness, a warm touch, and a chance to change without pain. We listen, are interested, educated on our services and guarantee our work. Compassion, patience, perseverance, creativity are tools that sanctify our services. (serve us)
With attention and a touch on the client we ask,
“Tell me about yourself.”
“How is that working out for you?
“Is there anything you would alter or change?”
We bridge beauty and beliefs.
What are we being?
Is it an old or new story of profit or presence that inhibits the spread of good news?
Is the tension & drama of this or that necessary to gain attention?
Where is the continuity of our creation?
How can we be what we say we are?
Gary C Smith Public Speaking & Training
“…to share his part of the secret of heaven: that each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories , but the stories are all one.” From Five People You Meet in Heaven By Mitch Albom. It was number two on the bestseller list says a lot about how connected with each other we wish to be.
Time to pick up the talking stick and tell the next part of the tale. It’s the ritual retelling that sanctifies the memory itself. Ah, the moment of choice, so many stories. So many ways to look at the same event.
Of times The Answers to:
Who Are You? I am who ever I want to be.
What’s happening? –What I choose to create.
What am I doing here? –Sanctifying this moment.
Now sanctifying, to set apart for sacred use, to purify, consecrate, to make holy, implies that a moment may not be holy, that an effort is needed. Or does it imply that biased or fixed attention is doing the sanctification? Who am I choosing to be, is what creates the sanctity.
One day, long ago in a far away galaxy (creation) a moment, a process, connections became so real, our being was touched so deeply, that I believe I can make this moment holy, by remembering, reminding, recalling, other’s with whom I’ve created connection.
We pay most of the mortgage from the beauty world. We are somewhere inside or outside a sphere orbiting from vanity to healing, where the outside reflects the inside, where beauty is only skin deep, & where beauty is from the inside out. These are baby steps into the world of change.
We are falsification, image creation, a fight against aging, enhancements and distractions, human art, and we believe we are more than labels; we are a way of being.
We offer stimulation, possibility, kindness, a warm touch, and a chance to change without pain. We listen, are interested, educated on our services and guarantee our work. Compassion, patience, perseverance, creativity are tools that sanctify our services. (serve us)
With attention and a touch on the client we ask,
“Tell me about yourself.”
“How is that working out for you?
“Is there anything you would alter or change?”
We bridge beauty and beliefs.
What are we being?
Is it an old or new story of profit or presence that inhibits the spread of good news?
Is the tension & drama of this or that necessary to gain attention?
Where is the continuity of our creation?
How can we be what we say we are?
Gary C Smith Public Speaking & Training
Monday, July 21, 2008
Stupid & Wrong
Paying attention is often moving away from limiting behavior and moving towards desired outcomes. In the process of paying attention our own demons, habits that maintain 'stinkin-thinkin' and the inSAMEITY of doing the same old stuff (SOS) and expecting different results, attention can fix on punishing ourselves. We may have created identities that believe (useless indoctrinated beliefs) in change with pain. There are EXERCISES that can loosen the chains of indoctrination free attention to change and move towards desired outcome., and can life can become more fun.
So if you have demons who label your efforts as 'stupid & wrong' its possible to create 'correction without invalidation' by practicing these two exercises.
Here are two simple exercises to practice: staying neutral. As all my clients are entrepreneurs, as I am, one of our biggest challenges is self judgments. The boss lives inside of us and can be more critical than necessary. (Is criticism necessary? Isn’t it all feedback?) These two exercises are in the “stick & stones may break my bones but words can never harm me” mode. Exercises are designed to stretch yourself and are intended to be fun and may fall into useful versus useless suffering mode.
1. I ‘m stupid & wrong! Stand in front of a mirror, full length if possible, and call yourself ‘stupid & wrong' until you can say it without any emotions arising. When you have the I am ‘stupid & wrong' down, try the blamer role with “you are stupid & wrong.’ Have fun with the blame game and notice when you are pointing the finger at another, three fingers are pointing back at you.
2. Correction without invalidation. This is a corollary of the first, perhaps an antidote. This requires more thought. Again stand in front of a mirror find fault with your image and offer correction without invalidating that person. Such as “You may want to plan one evening meal a week to just eat oatmeal. Its good for those few pounds you want to lose, good for your heart and it would set a good example for the others in your family.’ “When you are talking with your significant other, boss, friend it's an interesting exercise to put your attention on their story and be OK not explaining or excusing your story.
Be gentle, especially with your self.
So if you have demons who label your efforts as 'stupid & wrong' its possible to create 'correction without invalidation' by practicing these two exercises.
Here are two simple exercises to practice: staying neutral. As all my clients are entrepreneurs, as I am, one of our biggest challenges is self judgments. The boss lives inside of us and can be more critical than necessary. (Is criticism necessary? Isn’t it all feedback?) These two exercises are in the “stick & stones may break my bones but words can never harm me” mode. Exercises are designed to stretch yourself and are intended to be fun and may fall into useful versus useless suffering mode.
1. I ‘m stupid & wrong! Stand in front of a mirror, full length if possible, and call yourself ‘stupid & wrong' until you can say it without any emotions arising. When you have the I am ‘stupid & wrong' down, try the blamer role with “you are stupid & wrong.’ Have fun with the blame game and notice when you are pointing the finger at another, three fingers are pointing back at you.
2. Correction without invalidation. This is a corollary of the first, perhaps an antidote. This requires more thought. Again stand in front of a mirror find fault with your image and offer correction without invalidating that person. Such as “You may want to plan one evening meal a week to just eat oatmeal. Its good for those few pounds you want to lose, good for your heart and it would set a good example for the others in your family.’ “When you are talking with your significant other, boss, friend it's an interesting exercise to put your attention on their story and be OK not explaining or excusing your story.
Be gentle, especially with your self.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Mind Mapping Your Attention-Who Are You?
Mind Mapping & Treasure Maps $10
How can you get very far, if you don’t know who you are?
Winnie the Pooh
Mind Mapping is a method to find out Who You Are.
Treasure mapping is a method to find out What You Want.
Putting the two together as in the Who Are You© poster offers a highly visual, hands-on way of finding out who, what, where, why & how you make it happen!
Mind-mapping, like brain-storming, employ’s free-association of ideas, creating a "structure," that is visual fitting any situation.
These are strategies useful for organizing information, and generating ideas. They are used to create patterns, build connections, & establish associations between experience & new information, between known facts & new concepts, between parts of a concept or problem & its’ whole.
Mind-mapping’ begin with a center or nucleus. The issue. The question. The quest. The general idea. The topic. Even the problem-solving exercise, is placed in the center of the page.
What’s the question?
What do you know?
What do you want to know?
Main ideas are connected to the central topic by drawing lines from the center. Supporting ideas become "branches" off main ideas. Working outward from the center in all directions, the learner produces a growing, organized structure composed of key words, phrases, and images.
The map becomes a graphic representation of the knowledge.
The map is an exploration for the missing pieces.
It becomes questions for further exploration; both as a motivational technique and as a way of establishing benchmarks.
In the beginning was the word,
Then it became chiseled in stone, denoting good or bad.
I like work which has more neutrality so when mind mapping I do not get trapped in my own words. The core idea is Mind Map.
So Who Are You? 24x36”Posters $10Postcard size sent at no charge.
How can you get very far, if you don’t know who you are?
Winnie the Pooh
Mind Mapping is a method to find out Who You Are.
Treasure mapping is a method to find out What You Want.
Putting the two together as in the Who Are You© poster offers a highly visual, hands-on way of finding out who, what, where, why & how you make it happen!
Mind-mapping, like brain-storming, employ’s free-association of ideas, creating a "structure," that is visual fitting any situation.
These are strategies useful for organizing information, and generating ideas. They are used to create patterns, build connections, & establish associations between experience & new information, between known facts & new concepts, between parts of a concept or problem & its’ whole.
Mind-mapping’ begin with a center or nucleus. The issue. The question. The quest. The general idea. The topic. Even the problem-solving exercise, is placed in the center of the page.
What’s the question?
What do you know?
What do you want to know?
Main ideas are connected to the central topic by drawing lines from the center. Supporting ideas become "branches" off main ideas. Working outward from the center in all directions, the learner produces a growing, organized structure composed of key words, phrases, and images.
The map becomes a graphic representation of the knowledge.
The map is an exploration for the missing pieces.
It becomes questions for further exploration; both as a motivational technique and as a way of establishing benchmarks.
In the beginning was the word,
Then it became chiseled in stone, denoting good or bad.
I like work which has more neutrality so when mind mapping I do not get trapped in my own words. The core idea is Mind Map.
So Who Are You? 24x36”Posters $10Postcard size sent at no charge.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Invessting in stocks, real estate or yourself?
The week of 7/7 thru 7/11 was not a prosperous time for those invested in other than their own attention.
We meet with our new investment advisorsTuesday and my constant question to all our advisors is "Are you paying attention to the changes?"
Am I paying attention to changes?
If my major investment is in ATTENTION, how do I monitor changes?
What type of attention am I investing?
Is is details, or am I looking at the bigger picture?
Is it how do I fit, freer, more compassion, greater return on investment. Or is it focused, goal oriented, narrow scope, stepping or nearing desires?
A key word in this search is 'scheduling.' Meetings, presentations, multi-tasking that reduces driving, keeping cool ( I don't know about global warming, but the San Francisco Bay area hitting 114 degrees two days in a row is tthe hottest I felt in 25 years living here.) and its cool to be prepared, on time, with attention to share. So the more focused variety maybe the same type of attention I am asking of an investment advisor.
The question is are they moving towards investment rewards or away from investment
fears? Am I moving towards my freer and greater attention or am I moving away from things I don't want to pay attention too?
Improved communication, more clients, better computer skills-Why am i unable to write a profile & have my sites post them? Why is my streaming audio & video dammed? Why the video camera is still in the box and my power point remote only works on this box and not my laptop.
With scheduling I am moving towards a computer wizard who has me on a content management path as a content provider.
With scheduling my clients have choices of appointments.
With scheduling the house is getting painted.
With scheduling the blogs are growing.
With scheduling I am consciously competent of knowing where my attention is and is going.
Namaste Gary
We meet with our new investment advisorsTuesday and my constant question to all our advisors is "Are you paying attention to the changes?"
Am I paying attention to changes?
If my major investment is in ATTENTION, how do I monitor changes?
What type of attention am I investing?
Is is details, or am I looking at the bigger picture?
Is it how do I fit, freer, more compassion, greater return on investment. Or is it focused, goal oriented, narrow scope, stepping or nearing desires?
A key word in this search is 'scheduling.' Meetings, presentations, multi-tasking that reduces driving, keeping cool ( I don't know about global warming, but the San Francisco Bay area hitting 114 degrees two days in a row is tthe hottest I felt in 25 years living here.) and its cool to be prepared, on time, with attention to share. So the more focused variety maybe the same type of attention I am asking of an investment advisor.
The question is are they moving towards investment rewards or away from investment
fears? Am I moving towards my freer and greater attention or am I moving away from things I don't want to pay attention too?
Improved communication, more clients, better computer skills-Why am i unable to write a profile & have my sites post them? Why is my streaming audio & video dammed? Why the video camera is still in the box and my power point remote only works on this box and not my laptop.
With scheduling I am moving towards a computer wizard who has me on a content management path as a content provider.
With scheduling my clients have choices of appointments.
With scheduling the house is getting painted.
With scheduling the blogs are growing.
With scheduling I am consciously competent of knowing where my attention is and is going.
Namaste Gary
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Defending Procrastination
If I defend procrastination (the disease of tomorrow); is it from the belief that if I never finish I never die? Ergo: the finish of life is death so procrastination keeps a myriad of humanity reincarnating to never complete but returning to enjoy the show., create more love +/or learn the lesson.
What lesson?
The answer to life, the universe & everything.
Enjoy the show, be present, accept feedback, make decisions, move toward outcomes, & pepper with varieties of attention & beliefs. Paying that much attention creates fabulous answers and better questions.
Sort the beliefs by importance, usefulness, intensity, familiarity, humanity, and as source of whatever beliefs you want.
Not what you believe, but what you want to believe.
It is worth a free trip around monopoly to take the tomorrow train and enjoy the ride, procrastinate today. Use procrastination to decide, to plan and to be present everywhere all at once.
What lesson?
The answer to life, the universe & everything.
Enjoy the show, be present, accept feedback, make decisions, move toward outcomes, & pepper with varieties of attention & beliefs. Paying that much attention creates fabulous answers and better questions.
Sort the beliefs by importance, usefulness, intensity, familiarity, humanity, and as source of whatever beliefs you want.
Not what you believe, but what you want to believe.
It is worth a free trip around monopoly to take the tomorrow train and enjoy the ride, procrastinate today. Use procrastination to decide, to plan and to be present everywhere all at once.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
intent, attention & tennis
With Wimbledon being in full force, and the Williams sisters testing each others skills at levels of intensity most never experience intentionally, its useful to look at the intensity of intent & attention.
Word origin offers clues to the many levels of meaning humanity has created for itself. Shipley Dictionary of Word Origins page 358 under Tennis goes from the popular, game to the making of the ball, thru the tension involved in the stringing of the net, into intent, and the stretching toward of ATTENTION.
The fascination and psychology of words runs a gauntlet of a certain 'feel', a type of tension, actually an ease of tension that reflects the relationship between the tennis racket and the net. I am left feeling that intent, and attention, is not a tense operation but a tenet of the net, that sags equal to the width of the racket over the width of the court. Intent is not taut or tight but a tension that eases to a max at center court. And by adding the magical verb, to let' as in LET, a do over, permission is given to ease up the tension of our intent and make a softer, more appropriate effort.
So our intent and paying attention is not the tense constricted effort often taught by coaches, but a relaxed stretch toward what we desire, and the meaning(s) we wish to create.
Word origin offers clues to the many levels of meaning humanity has created for itself. Shipley Dictionary of Word Origins page 358 under Tennis goes from the popular, game to the making of the ball, thru the tension involved in the stringing of the net, into intent, and the stretching toward of ATTENTION.
The fascination and psychology of words runs a gauntlet of a certain 'feel', a type of tension, actually an ease of tension that reflects the relationship between the tennis racket and the net. I am left feeling that intent, and attention, is not a tense operation but a tenet of the net, that sags equal to the width of the racket over the width of the court. Intent is not taut or tight but a tension that eases to a max at center court. And by adding the magical verb, to let' as in LET, a do over, permission is given to ease up the tension of our intent and make a softer, more appropriate effort.
So our intent and paying attention is not the tense constricted effort often taught by coaches, but a relaxed stretch toward what we desire, and the meaning(s) we wish to create.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Price of Attention is Going Up!
What is the cost of paying attention?
What is the cost of not paying attention?
The cost is in suffering. Useful suffering versus useless suffering. It is useful suffering to invest in the discipline to practice paying attention. To suffer to learn, to move through fear, to tell the truth, especially to your self. To listen. To love and let go.
Its useless to suffer from the stinkin-thinkin of private speaking with worrying, guilt, blame, should, ought, can’t, musts, have-to, most phrases that start with You.
Its all in what we tell ourselves, the private speaking of our inner dialogues.
Stay tuned for how to control your private speaking.
What is the cost of not paying attention?
The cost is in suffering. Useful suffering versus useless suffering. It is useful suffering to invest in the discipline to practice paying attention. To suffer to learn, to move through fear, to tell the truth, especially to your self. To listen. To love and let go.
Its useless to suffer from the stinkin-thinkin of private speaking with worrying, guilt, blame, should, ought, can’t, musts, have-to, most phrases that start with You.
Its all in what we tell ourselves, the private speaking of our inner dialogues.
Stay tuned for how to control your private speaking.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Attention is the only investment that is a guarantee to return dividends and incur interest.
Attention is an investment in focusing towards what you want.
Do you know what you want?
Are you moving towards your desired outcome or are you moving away from what you fear?
Fear (False, Evidence, Appearing, Real) is the number one tool in maintaining the hypnotic trance, the sleep walking, blind obedience, inSAMEity, sheepishness, rut of mass indoctrination. The answer, KNOW WHERE YOUR ATTENTION IS!
From Gary C Smith Public Speaking & Trainings-Private Speaking
Attention is an investment in focusing towards what you want.
Do you know what you want?
Are you moving towards your desired outcome or are you moving away from what you fear?
Fear (False, Evidence, Appearing, Real) is the number one tool in maintaining the hypnotic trance, the sleep walking, blind obedience, inSAMEity, sheepishness, rut of mass indoctrination. The answer, KNOW WHERE YOUR ATTENTION IS!
From Gary C Smith Public Speaking & Trainings-Private Speaking
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