Golden pineapple, banana peel yellow, peachy yellow peaches, a sunny mango, all of these I feel the energy and see the smiley face of happy.
A happy to be me start to my day.
I dress in gold and look for music that radiates sweet tunes of happy.
Not Bach, or Ravel, some of Chopin has my mood ‘pitter-patting’ to piano etudes of mirth, but I won’t settle for sounds that drop me into silent movies, I wish an epic of Joy-Ah Beethoven Ode to Joy-his 9th-“Oh friends! Not these sounds! But let us strike up more pleasant sound and more joyful!
This morning I wish to celebrate the joy of the golden rays of happiness and tell my story till the spark of divinity lights appreciation for all of precious humanity.
Thirty-three (I used to lisp firty-free-get wiff-it Gary) years ago I embarked on a study of the Cosmos. A search to seek the source, the origin of the adventure which had turned into a world I belong in and felt alien too.
My insight was that it was not the world, but my awareness of the world, which answered my quest.
I began to see myself as a cosmologist, a student of God, and turned my awareness toward mimicking the creator.
What is the creator’s mode of awareness?
God goes for its attractions. God is attraction. A corollary was I could go for my attraction as if I created the attraction.
Another corollary appeared quite soon.
The creator’s multi-dimensional nature became aware of itself.
The contradictory nature of my cosmos,
saint & sinner,
and all I wanted-I didn’t get , and all I didn’t want I got.
It all became evident.
Now 33 years of sorting out my attractions, distractions, repulsions, resistances, an old friend, a book, Another Roadside Attraction reappeared in my life.
Ah, inspirations, awareness’s attractive friend, whose glimmerings, like the leaves of the poplar out the window, reflect, not create light. Fashioning movement and insights in phraseology that attract and contradict knowingness and nothingness.
Upon reading I knew we had left the Dark Ages, found treasures and entered a Golden Age of happy. I know it again-Enjoy the Golden Rays of Today.
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