HAPPY THANKSGIVING It will be the Thursday of the year! Lets roast some gratefulness, appreciation, and gratitude in an Expansion oven.

Let’s assemble our ingredients starting with your self. Find your most basic
component of gratitude, your breath. Put your attention on your breath. Appreciate a single breath, and then stir in some Thanks Source I am breathing.
Breathe through your nose and catch the wafts of you. Smell the smeller. Today it will be a prime sense and source in your aroma heaven. Take a moment to appreciate this sense.
Intensify odors and discern the members of the smell universe.
No scent and no meal are without the memories of tastes and smells that have gone before.
Appreciate grandma’s fragrances; the sit down Turkey dinners at home, the vegetarian years with the yams. Expand into appreciation of those frozen moments. Extend as far into them as you can. Effortlessly occupy all your past scents and mix liberally with gratitude and appreciation.
Since we are cooking let’s get an impression of our mouth, tongue, chewers and tasters. Get some impression of the space they occupy in you. How far do they extend? As effortlessly as you can, taste in all directions. Intensify and include all the tastes you appreciate.
Now gather impressions of gratitude. It’s Thanksgiving, time to bring out the best, use only with special guests, the gratitude you’ve been saving for a special occasion is for now. Intensify and expand your attention into the space of gratitude you have created. Feel where the gratitude comes from. Be grateful at your source.
Time to mix specific thanks into the Feast of Appreciation.
Intensify the feeling of the freedom you occupy. Appreciate that freedom with many breathes.
Extend and engage all the specific types and kinds of Thanks you create.
Add Thanks for all of your body.
As effortlessly as you can, make your Thanks extend in all directions.
Add a full serving of Thanks for your feelings and senses.
As effortlessly as you can, make your Thanks extend in all directions.
Pour in Thanks for your ideas, intentions and goals.
As effortlessly as you can, make your Thanks extend in all directions.
A dash of Thanks for all you remember, and all you don’t.
As effortlessly as you can, make your Thanks extend in all directions.
Add a heaping amount of Thanks for the other bodies, friends, & family.
As effortlessly as you can, make your Thanks extend in all directions.
Spice the feast with Thanks for the decisions you make.
As effortlessly as you can, make your Thanks extend in all directions.
Pull out the Thanks for the epiphanies.
As effortlessly as you can, make your Thanks extend in all directions.
Sprinkle on Thanks for the actions created.
As effortlessly as you can, make your Thanks extend in all directions.
Add that one more jewel of Thanks for finding a way to create your Feast of Thanks, & sharing your thanks.

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