Inspiration is like a bath, never hurts to take another one.
Perhaps you wonder about my maxim, Paying Attention is my Best Investment in the Future. After all if you just let things slide don’t they have a way of working themselves out anyway?
Isn’t it really enough to get by day to day?
Why should you care to give your best to the way your life turns out?Statesman, Patrick Henry answered this complacency with:
“Why stand we here idle?
What is it the gentlemen want?
What would they have?
Is life so dear, is peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains & slavery?
Forbid it all mighty God.
I know not what course others may take, as for me
Give me Liberty or give me death.”

Patrick Henry
The meaning is clear; complacency is a form of slavery. The shackles are comfortable and easy to slip into. They require nothing but disinterest and indifference.
As the plumbers say, “Shit runs down hill and payday is on Friday.”
Why wait for disaster to wake you?
Can you make change without pain?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Scrub down the filth of ‘stinkin-thinkin’ and find that foundation of your being where the desire to make a difference lives.
It is time to add your creativity to life.
Remember the bakery slogan, “Life is short, eat desserts first.”
Stressed is desserts spelt backwards, so maybe we have that tasty part of life backwards.
Do not let gravity suck you down. Use its force to identify the ruts and ask, “Where have I stopped paying attention?”
Step out of the rut, and get into your groove.
“Slow down you move to fast, gotta make this morning last. Just kicking down the cobblestones, looking for fun and feeling groovy.” Simon & Garfunkel were insightful and a little bubble gummy, but being in the groove or getting your groove back is an attention builder.
Use your attention to build your excitement and enthusiasm for life.
Do it now, because tomorrow never comes. Tell others. Be an early adopter to change.
Become an enthuser, someone who fires others with spirit.
For help finding your enthuser, or your message call me.
